When storm hits the pier...
07:48 Kasia i Przemo 0 Comments Category : Scotland
Do you know that feeling when you really need to fall asleep immediately, because next morning you really have to wake up so early, and you cannot, because there is 1000 ideas and things going on in your mind, and you just MUST talk about them with that person next to you?
We have that really often. And last time it happened at Monday's night. Actually it was Sunday's night, but according to our watch it was very Monday already when we finally fell asleep. And Monday by the way with the alarm clock set at 4.20am supposed to bring ENTIRELY NEW!!!
And when we were laying and talking, we've got great Idea! A genuine one ;)
It'll affect our Blog, who (that blog I mean) is with us from the very beginning, always, when is super duper hot, and when the wind whistles, when it's freezing cold or when we have lazy afternoon on the beach. Sometimes we have less time to write anything or sadly nothing interesting is going on around, and we have just a lot of work. And probably still will be the same - or similar at least. But we would like to change few details. And that you will see soon...
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