If anybody ask how long does it take to go to Portugal from placed on the other end of Spain Barcelona, we inform, that exactly two months. And not by hitchhiking, no, neither by bicycle, we weren't walking too. But simply - by car. And our route was rather straight, but extremally charming and exciting, as we were basicly going from one climbing region to another. And another. And...
Through tiny mountain villages, juicy green national parks, dry steppes, hot springs, sleepy by siesta towns and bustling cities. Beautiful flower fields, hot beaches and chilly mountain peaks.
And it's beautiful there during spring, especially considering that we haven't seen spring in past six years, and during last three we've started to forget how much we love travelling and how it actually feels to travel.
And it would be simply impossible to be quicker, as in Spain there are rocks behind every corner and these just ask to be climbed. We could just stay in Catalonia and there would be enough climbing for months or rather, for years, so during two weeks there we climbed basically not much or even almost nothing from what Catalonia has in offer even though we've been climbing almost everyday.
We were climbing mostly in Arboli and Margalef on amazing walls and we've even managed a few 6b+ routes, which made us very happy as it was our first time we've been climbing on real rock. In Catalonia we were slowly discovering beauty of climbing travelling. We were buying food and hiding in the mountains for a few days, reading books in the mornings, climbing during the day and cooking with rosemary and thyme straight from heavily covered by these slopes and watching stars.
So we were doing circles in Catalonia for some time, going through little charming villages and falling in love with this place more and more. But as we were on the way to Portugal, one day we've decided to carry on and find some new places to fall in love with. But will write about that in next chapter ;). And to finish, a short snapshot from Catalonia: